

Why PR Agencies Give Too Much Work for Free

Owners of PR firms learn quickly that if they want to get paid fairly for their professional work, they must establish and account for hourly rates per staff at all levels. To get to the right place, they must manage salaries, overhead, benefits, out-of-pocket expenses, utilization rates and – most important – profitability. Related: Want to be fully booked with new clients? Create your signature system to really grow your business this year. In many ways, this...

How to Build Your Public Relations Career Portfolio

A career portfolio is a collection of items that shows your work. It contains evidence of your knowledge, skills, and abilities, highlighting what you’ve learned, what you know, and what you can do. Many people assume career portfolios are only useful in a job search but they can be used in a variety of situations such as performance reviews, professional development plans, and more.

Women in Public Relations: Inspiring Females Accelerating Change

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we’ve put together a list of women in public relations that are working to accelerate change. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality. #EachforEqual is about ‘Collective Individualism’ This year’s IWD 2020 campaign theme is drawn from a notion of ‘Collective Individualism.’ We are all parts of a...

What Makes YOU the Perfect Presenter? Your Story!

Public speaking is an underrated, yet fantastic way to increase the awareness of a brand. It gives you the ability to communicate your message directly to key audiences. When used as part of the marketing mix to promote your brand and your message, it can provide a powerful boost to your campaign. However, what sets apart a regular speech from a memorable one? What makes you the perfect presenter for your client, business, or for...

Women in PR: Your Career Action Plan

Many of us will plan to accomplish a whole list of things in the new year. My list is usually the typical – go to the gym, eat healthier, save money, etc. But, this year I pledge to follow a career action plan and finally get some long term goals checked off my list. Use our 5 tips to help you land that new job, earn more money or simply celebrate your career successes! Make more money...